트위스트 마운팅 차폐 핑거스트립

Handa twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip has excellent compression resistance, resilience and corrosion resistance. It provides good broadband electromagnetic shielding effect especially suitable for the gap filling of communication cabinets and computers, cabinet/room doors of shielding rooms, panels etc.

견적 요청하기

Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip

Product Specs

Size specification

Handa twisted mounting shielding fingerstrips dimensions vary by manufacturer and product model. The following are some possible dimensional specifications, but please note that specific specifications should be confirmed with Handa shielding to meet the requirements of the specific application:


Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip drawing-Handa Shielding

No. A B C D E H length(mm) roll length(mm) gasket
97-5500 5.84 0.76 0.08 2.41 0.38 3.56 609.60 7.6 /
97-5510 4.06 0.76 0.08 2.41 0.38 2.03 609.60 /
97-5550 8.64 1.78 0.08 4.19 0.38 4.57 609.60 7.6 /
97-5580 5.08 1.78 0.08 4.19 0.38 2.79 609.60 /
97-5600 12.70 1.78 0.08 4.19 0.38 4.83 609.60 7.6 /

맞춤형 제조

Custom Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip

According to the customer’s requirements, 한다 차폐 제품 맞춤화를 위한 도면 또는 치수 및 작업 조건 요구 사항을 제공합니다. 필요한 경우 다음 연락처로 문의하세요. sunny@handashielding.com 문의하시면 전문 엔지니어가 답변해 드립니다. 감사합니다!

맞춤 견적 요청
Custom Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip Drawing - Handa Shielding

Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip Manufacturing

Manufacturing twisted fingerstrips involves several steps, focusing on creating a product that effectively shields against electromagnetic interference (EMI) while maintaining flexibility and ease of installation:

1. 재료 선택:Beryllium-Copper Alloy,It’s ideal for applications requiring high EMI shielding effectiveness.
2. Wire Preparation:Choose wires with the appropriate diameter and length according to the design specifications.
3. Forming the Coil:Wind the wire around a mandrel or former to form the initial coil shape.
4. Heat Treatment: Optionally, heat treat the coiled wire to increase its hardness and wear resistance, enhancing the spring’s longevity and performance.
5. Cutting and Shaping
(1) Cutting to Length: Cut the coiled wire to the required length.
(2) Shaping: Twist the ends of the wire to create the characteristic twisted configuration of fingerstrips.
6. Finishing
(1) Surface Treatment: Apply surface treatments like plating or coating if necessary.
(2) Packaging: Package the finished twisted fingerstrips securely.
7. Quality Assurance
Testing: Involve measuring the spring constant, conducting bend tests, and evaluating the shielding effectiveness at various frequencies.

Twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip Manufacturing


Handa twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip has a reasonably twisted design and various advantages.

  • Save space
  • High EMI shielding performance
  • Easy and secure installation
  • Easy plating and welding
  • High compression resistance
  • Easy plating and welding
  • The plating process of various materials can be customized


The structural design of Handa twisted mounting shielding fingerstrip has the characteristics of twisting and torsional, which is very suitable for use in a variety of narrow installation space applications.

  • Shield panel
  • Sealed shield case
  • Box with flat partition
  • Electronic product housing
  • Shielded cabinet with panel dividers
  • Telecommunication base station equipment

Material and plating

Handa twisted mounting shielding fingerstrips are available in the following materials.They can also be customized according to your requirement for different applications.

  • Beryllium-copper
  • Stainless steel
  • Beryllium-copper tin plated
  • Phosphorous bronze
  • Beryllium-copper nickle plated

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견적 요청하기
Consumer products component manufacturing

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