
EMI shielding products are widely used in various electronic devices to deal with problems such as EMI / RFI and ESD.

The BeCu finger strip has an excellent shielding effectiveness for EMI ,which is widely applied in communication cabinets ,computers, the door of shielding room, medical devices and military equipments.

Part Number
bright finish
plating Ni
plating Sn

Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are essential components in the realm of electromagnetic shielding, playing a critical role in ensuring the effective performance of electronic devices and systems. These gaskets, produced by leading manufacturers like Экранирование Handa, are designed to provide reliable electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and grounding. This article explores the construction, types, features, and applications of clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets, with a focus on Handa Shielding’s offerings.


In the world of electronics, electromagnetic shielding is crucial for preventing interference and ensuring the optimal functionality of devices. Fingerstrip gaskets are a key element in this shielding process, providing a conductive pathway that helps maintain signal integrity and reduce EMI. Handa Shielding, a prominent supplier in the shielding industry, offers a range of solutions including both stick-on and clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets. While stick-on gaskets are useful for general purposes and fit into confined spaces, clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are engineered for more specialized requirements, particularly in challenging environments.

Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are especially valuable in high-temperature environments and other demanding conditions where traditional stick-on solutions may be inadequate. This article provides an in-depth look at these gaskets, detailing their construction, various types, and their applications in different settings.

Image 1: Real and structural diagram of edge card-mounted finger washers-Clip-on mounting fingerstrip
Image 1: Real and structural diagram of clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets

Construction and Materials

Handa Shielding’s clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are primarily constructed from beryllium-copper alloys. This material choice is driven by its exceptional properties:

  1. Beryllium-Copper Alloys: Beryllium-copper alloys are known for their high tensile strength, excellent electrical conductivity, and resistance to wear and corrosion. Beryllium enhances the hardness and elasticity of copper, making the alloy highly suitable for demanding applications where mechanical robustness and superior electrical performance are essential.
  2. Electroplating Options: To meet diverse customer needs, the surfaces of these gaskets can be electroplated with various finishes, such as nickel-chrome sulfate, bright nickel, or bright tin. Electroplating not only enhances the aesthetic quality of the gaskets but also improves their resistance to environmental factors and corrosion.

Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are designed to accommodate edge cards with panel thicknesses ranging from 0.5mm to 1.7mm. This design flexibility allows them to be used in various electronic configurations and mounting situations.

Types of Clip-On Mounting Fingerstrip Gaskets

Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets come in several structural variations, each tailored to address specific application needs:

  1. Standard Type: This is the basic design of clip-on mounting gaskets, suitable for general applications where a standard size and structure are appropriate.
  2. Thin Edge Card-Mounted Gaskets: These gaskets feature a reduced height of the arc contact surface, making them ideal for low compression force applications and environments with very limited space. Their compact design enables them to fit into tight areas without compromising performance.
  3. Reverse Edge Card-Mounted Gaskets: These gaskets have a reverse-folded card-mounting structure, which helps save horizontal space and increase the card-mounting width. This design is particularly useful in extremely narrow application environments.
  4. Improved Edge Card-Mounted Gaskets: Designed to address misalignment between the installation panel and the mating panel, these gaskets ensure reliable connectivity and effective shielding even when panels are not perfectly aligned.
Image 2: Thin edge card-mounted fingerstrip gaskets
Image 3: Reverse edge card-mounted finger washers

Main Features of Clip-On Mounting Fingerstrip Gaskets

  1. Material Excellence: Made from beryllium-copper alloys, these gaskets offer high tensile strength, excellent conductivity, and durability, which are crucial for effective electromagnetic shielding.
  2. Wide Temperature Range: The performance of beryllium-copper alloys across a broad temperature range makes these gaskets suitable for high-temperature environments, where other types of mounting solutions may fail.
  3. Customizable Electroplating: Various electroplating techniques can be applied to meet specific requirements for durability and environmental compatibility, providing flexibility for different applications.
  4. Design Variations: The availability of thin, reverse, and improved designs allows these gaskets to adapt to various mounting scenarios and constraints.
  5. Space Efficiency: The compact and adaptable designs, especially with thin and reverse gaskets, enable optimal use of space in compact electronic devices.

Typical Applications

Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are used in a wide range of applications due to their effectiveness and adaptability:

  1. Shielding Cabinets and Compartments: These gaskets are used in shielding cabinets to create a conductive path that prevents EMI and ensures the proper operation of sensitive electronic components.
  2. High-Temperature Electromagnetic Shielding: In high-temperature environments, such as industrial settings or high-performance electronics, these gaskets provide reliable shielding without performance degradation.
  3. Circuit Board Grounding: Effective grounding is critical for the stability and performance of circuit boards. Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets ensure a solid electrical connection between circuit boards and their enclosures or grounding points.
  4. Telecommunications Equipment: Maintaining signal integrity in telecommunications is vital. These gaskets help in maintaining proper shielding and grounding to prevent signal interference.
  5. Military Equipment: The robust nature of clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets makes them suitable for military applications where reliability and performance under harsh conditions are crucial.
  6. Small Portable Devices: Their compact and versatile designs make them ideal for small portable electronic devices, where space is limited but effective shielding is still necessary.


Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets are vital components in the field of electromagnetic shielding, offering essential functionality across a wide array of applications. Handa Shielding’s use of beryllium-copper alloys ensures that these gaskets provide high tensile strength, excellent conductivity, and durability, making them well-suited for demanding environments. With various designs, including standard, thin, reverse, and improved types, these gaskets offer versatility in addressing different mounting and environmental challenges.

As technology advances and electronic devices become more compact and sophisticated, the need for effective electromagnetic shielding becomes increasingly important. Clip-on mounting fingerstrip gaskets play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and performance of modern electronics. Whether used in high-temperature environments, telecommunications, military equipment, or small portable devices, these gaskets provide reliable and effective shielding, ensuring the optimal operation of electronic systems.

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